Such a success!! Thank you. Tacksam!

Last night, a group of wonderful actors, and a crowded 12th floor room with a view of the Empire State Building, were a part of a wonderful reading series event, that included an excerpt from MISSING.

I was so grateful to everyone who helped make this happen.  The Writers Room, first for asking me to read.  It was an honor to be in such great company with the other two authors who read before we read from MISSING.  I have to thank Julie Schubert, as always, for always being a full-service casting director.  Even for a reading, she helped find some talented actors.  I have to overwhelmingly thank the actors for working so hard on their own, and coming with such clarity, and strength to the reading.  And thank you to all who came!  I feel so supported and loved.

The reading itself consisted of scenes pulled from the feature length script, that still attempted to show the arc of the story, and Sara's journey.  There were 6 actors who sat in a small semi-circle framed by large windows, and I stood beside them.  It was my job to read the stage directions.  That alone made me more nervous than sharing my work with the room.  But once the reading began, I felt the energy in the room, and it seemed that people were riveted throughout, so I calmed down.  The actors really let the story build, and gave it such life.  I was so grateful for their help.

Afterwards, a rush of folks from the crowd were excited to speak to me, and to the actors.  So many kind words, and requests to read the full script.  Also, the Writers Room was taping the event, so I look forward to seeing that, and maybe posting it here as well.

Again, thank you to all who helped, and all who are invested in Sara's story.